Our Farm Animals

Barleylands is home to lots of traditional farm animals including cows, sheep, goats, ducks and ponies as well as several rare breeds. Find out more about them below. Keep an eye out for seasonal events including our lambing and kidding barn, where you may even see a live birth. We also have regular interactive activities supervised by the livestock team. Depending on the season, this could be bottle feeding lambs, meeting newborn chicks or holding a rabbit.


We’re proud of our sheep at Barleylands, with a large flock of Hampshire down (uk native breed) RBST, to our quintessential Suffolk sheep called Helga and our super cute Devon Longwool (Ovis aries) RBST – At Risk – couple called Russel and Rapunzel,  to the cuddly and curly Gotland, we’ve got a sheep for everyone.

You can take a stroll around the park to watch our girls (and boys) munching grass in their fields. Don’t forget to grab a bag of food from the kiosk to feed them.

Keep an eye on our events for lambing and shearing updates.

Bagot Goat (Capra aegagrus hircus)

We have a herd of stunning, Bagot goats here at Barleylands, as the oldest documented breed of goat dating back to the 1380’s, these guys have some history to them, as a Rare Breed Survival Trust species, the Bagot goat are unfortunately considered a – At Risk – breed. But our breeding programme, with our females has proven to help the species for the future.

You can spot these striking black and white goats across the farm. Don’t forget to pick up a bag of food from the kiosk to feed them.

Keep an eye on our events and social media for kidding updates.


Golden Guernsey Goat (Capra aegagrus hircus)

At Risk – RBST

We have a small herd of beautiful Golden Guernsey Goats, Dad Dougie, mum’s Sunflower and Nutmeg with their three kids, Alfonso, Aladdin and Alexios as well as new comer Strawberry. Like our Bagot goats, they too are a rare breed and we hope to Kid Strawberry in the new breeding season, as a first time mum to help increase the Guernsey numbers.

These goats can be recognized by their luscious golden locks adorning their back and legs, the longer the hair the more attractive they are, they are also known for the best production of milk.

Grab some food from the kiosk entrance to feed them, they are a super gentle breed and love a good chin scratch.

Cows (Bos taurus taurus)

Cattle are a much loved animal on the farm, and we have both heritage breeds and commercial varieties at Barleylands.  Jessie, our simmential/holstein cross a typical dairy breed – arrived at the farm in 2019 when she was still a tiny calf but has now grown into a beautiful fully grown cow. You can find her out munching pasture during the summer months.

We also have Tilly, little Rosie and Luna who visit from another farm, come to stay with Jessie in the cattle field during spring and summer months too. These girls have the best time together, you can spot them racing each other in the field, for food.

Highland Cows (Bos taurus taurus)

Highland cow – UK Native Breed – RBST

There are two magnificent Highland cows at Barleylands called Annie and Flora. Highland cattle are not only on the rare breeds list, but are also listed as a Heritage breed. This means that they existed before true domestic farming practices began and have changed very little ever since.

Highland cows are extremely hardy, surviving even the harshest winters due to their thick coats and their ability to eat even the toughest grass. When warm weather arrives they normally shed their long hair for a smoother, neater summer look.

You’ll find Annie and Flora grazing pasture in our Barleylands fields. They can be quite shy, but they’re extremely photogenic and sometimes allow a quick ear scratch.

Nanny Goats

We’ve got a wonderful mixed flock of pet goats at Barleylands, all with their own unique personalities. There is a strict hierarchy amongst every herd, and you might be able to spot who’s boss because she’ll be eating from your hand first!

Did you know that goats are really intelligent? They’ve been known to problem solve and teach each other. Maybe this is why they’re so good at escaping. We’ve got a team of agility goats that are constantly learning new tricks and look forward to showing you what they can do.

Keep an eye on our events for kidding and training demonstrations.


Miniature Mediterranean donkeys (Equus asinus) – Extinct in the wild – But are a recovering breed in captivity.

Our animal barn stables are home to Bobby the donkey, Freddie the welsh pony and Tiny Tim and Jenny, our two adorable Mediterranean miniature donkeys.

These lovely, intelligent animals have become firm favourites at Barleylands. If they’re not in the stables, look for them in our pasture. Donkeys, in particular, love to roll around in the dirt whilst Freddie will dash up and down his paddock causing mischief wherever he goes. They love a good brush and even a hose down when the weather is hot!.

You can also groom our equines during day at the farm, check the timetable to see when it’s on.

Berkshire Pig (Sus scrofa domesticus)

Priority Breed – RBST

Barleylands has been home to our wonderful pig, Polly for several years now. She is a very friendly sow, and will sometimes even respond to commands!

Polly is a Berkshire; a rare breed pig that many farmers across the country are keen to save.

If she’s not in the animal barn look for her out in the fields where she’ll be doing what pigs do best; snuffling through the grass or sunbathing. You might even catch us putting on her sun cream on a really hot day!

Oxford Sandy and Black Pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus)

While holding the title at Barleylands of a Rare Breed Survival Trust (RBST)-approved farm park, you will see lots of new rare breeds joining the farm.

This breed originated in Oxfordshire and is over 300 years old, however they are now an ‘at risk’ rare breed and we want to play our part in helping boost numbers with a helping hand from Bella.

Bella can be found either in her field, snacking through the shrubs or inside the animal barn, with her piglets, look out on social media for when her seasonal piglets are born.

Equines-Ponies (Equus caballus)

Breed Not Listed on RBST

You’ll find two of the farms smallest equines, mum Bella and her son Teddy in the fields at barleylands, sometimes hanging out with their donkey friends, these two cheeky ponies can also be seen dressing up for events such as Halloween and Christmas, with their placid nature and petite size Teddy and Bella are great farm favourites.

You can attend a grooming session to comb their hair or see a livestock team member picking out their hoofs, check your timetable to see when it’s on.