National Lazy Day – 10th August

  Stop whatever you’re doing…

Some of you will be thrilled to learn that Wednesday 10th August is National Lazy Day! While many of us are genetically blessed and ready for it, we are very aware that some of you will need support to ensure that you are properly equipped to deal with the challenges of this monumental day.

Might we suggest that you:-

  1. Turn your phone off.
  2. Take a day off work.
  3. Reconnect with nature at the Farm Park.
  4. Refrain from housework of any kind.
  5. Nurture your inner desire to do absolutely nothing more energetic than licking an ice-cream.

Here at Barleylands, we will be approaching National Lazy Day with our usual high level of commitment and enthusiasm. Unfortunately, staff have all refused to comply so we are going to be solely reliant on our animals and our visitors to make sure that the day passes with as little wasted energy as possible. We have arranged several displays of laziness throughout the Farm Park for the duration of National Lazy Day:-

  • The tractor will be running at a slower pace in honour of the day (3mph as opposed to 4mph).
  • Ducks and geese have agreed to spend most of the day sleeping with the occasional ‘float’ across the pond, avoiding all unnecessary flapping or quacking.
  • The sheep, who tend not to get over excited at the best of times, have not required any special preparation as we can simply rely on them to follow the example of the laziest member of the flock. Job done.
  • Our miniature donkeys, Tiny Tim and Jenny, have reluctantly agreed to forego their daily football session and do nothing more energetic than some grass munching.
  • Flora and Annie, our beautiful Highland cows, have decided to spend the day lying down whenever possible with as little tail swishing as the local insect population will allow.
  • Our nocturnal animals simply looked at us strangely when we approached them as if to say ‘Are you serious? We’ve been doing this for years…we always wondered when you would catch on!’
  • Now our goats are another story. They are going to be under TREMENDOUS pressure to keep themselves under control. Even standing still will be challenging for them. Laziness is simply not in their nature so we would ask visitors to kindly ignore any shenanigans in this area.
  • Our new arrivals, Bella and Teddy, can be forgiven for not having a full understanding of the day as we have not yet secured an Argentinian horse-whisperer to explain things to them.

So that just leaves our lovely visitors. Could we ask that you all move very slowly between attractions (being carried wherever possible), show an appropriately low level of energy and yawn as much as possible throughout the day.  We recommend plenty of sunbathing in grassy areas, relaxation under the shade of tall trees and the slow consumption of tasty treats at the picnic tables. Thank you for your compliance.

Tickets can be bought online (thus saving energy) by clicking here. Please come along and re-charge your batteries with as little effort as you can possibly manage!