Prepped and Ready for Lambing!

Prepped and Ready for Lambing!

There is always a frenzy of excitement among staff and visitors alike during Barleylands’ Lambing. And, as any good shepherd will tell you, preparation is key to a successful season. Although we always have plenty of experienced shepherds on duty. They work tirelessly day and night, they do appreciate as much help as they can get. It’s a case of ‘all hands on sheep’ until the last lamb is safely delivered.

Despite the hectic, daily timetable of a working farm, staff recently managed to meet together for a training session run by our local vets. For some staff, it was a chance to polish up on previously learned skills, while for others it was a fascinating, first-time education in the safe delivery of new lambs.

With 20 ewes to care for, it’s not usually necessary to scan them before birth. So we don’t know in advance how many lambs we are expecting. Needless to say, we have to be prepared for each and every lamb.

Staff were trained in how to prepare the lambing barn and the ewes. As well as what equipment to pack in their lambing toolkits and how to ensure that each ewe is at her physical peak before labour begins. Unlike large-scale sheep farmers, the Farm Park staff at Barleylands know each ewe by name and have strong emotional attachments to them. This training ensures that each member of staff will be able to spot early signs of labour, know when to intervene and when to stand back. Most importantly, help to deliver every lamb in the safest and most hygienic way.

While most ewes and lambs bond instantly, staff have plenty of tricks up their sleeve for the more reluctant members of the flock! Luckily our flock are experienced mothers.

We hope that you are as excited as we are about the impending action!

Lambing is due to start on Saturday 11th February!

Book your tickets here.