Raining? Not to worry….

There are few things in life guaranteed…but a rainy day in an English summer is one of them! While the gardeners and farmers welcome a bit of quenching, parents and grandparents quite reasonably dread the idea of keeping the kids entertained on a day that’s promising nothing but rain.

So we thought we would hope for the best (but prepare for the worst) English weather and set you up with a plan that will see you through even the wettest day!

Before you set off:-

Be prepared to get wet and make sure that your children see it as a positive thing rather than a negative! I used to tell mine that rain would help them grow….

Bring umbrellas (because kids love them) in as many different colours as you can (to brighten up the Farm Park).

Wear wellies. Puddle splashing is compulsory.

And finally, wear your oldest, scruffiest, ‘almost grown out of’ clothing.

We have chosen our Top Ten activities but there are loads more which could be added…

  1. (We’re still dry)… Burn off some energy in our Indoor Playbarn You’ll find the softplay and astra slide as well as a designated area for little ones. The Tiptree Café is also in here to keep the adults happy while the kids are hard at work.
  2. (We’re relatively dry)…Call into the Showdown Shed and have a family (foam ball) shoot out! Well, why should the kids have all the fun?
  3. (We’re fairly dry)…Just next door, you’ll find the giant sandpit, diddy cars and undercover picnic tables.
  4. (We’re getting a little damp)… It’s time to visit the Discovery Centre. Learn about the history of farming, discover where our food comes from and take a good look at our fantastic selection of vintage farming equipment.
  5. (We’re slightly soggy now)…Pop straight into the Nocturnals and Exotics House and say hello to fruit bats, sugar guilders, skunk, tenrec, hedgehogs, snakes, tree frogs, chameleon, lizards, toads, turtles and more.
  6. (We’re definitely drippy)… Whatever the season, whatever the weather, our Animal Barn gives children and families the chance to get close to farm animals – and even feed them – inside a warm, cosy barn. You can feed, stroke and get lots of selfies with our animals every day. They love attention from our visitors and our friendly team are always on hand to answer any questions you may have.
  7. (We are officially wet)…Check the timetable! Every day, whatever the weather, we offer various animal-based activities supervised by the livestock team. These are fun, educational and where possible, hands-on.
  8. (We’re drenched and happy)…Take a tip-toe walk through the aviary using the display posters to help you spot as many different birds as you can.
  9. (We’re soaked to the skin and glowing)…Don’t forget the essential tractor ride! Bounce around the farm, over the bridge, through the equestrian centre, wave to the campers and back over the bridge avoiding the geese as you go please…This is essential ‘sit down’ time for many of our adult visitors but please be advised that hot drinks cannot be served.
  10. (We are absolutely saturated beyond funny)…Well, once you’ve reached this stage there’s no point in worrying about keeping dry any more, is there? So we would recommend a wander through the Wildlife Walk. Children adore this truly special place and it is a sheltered corner full of lovely surprises.

And there you have it- our top ten list. And we haven’t even mentioned Birds of Prey, the Display Arena, the Barleylands Big Barn (check dates for special events), the Country Cabin, small animal handling….Well! Who needs sunshine?